
Travel Advisor (旅行アドバイザー) 2021

旅行アドバイザー allows you to search restaurants, hotels and attractions based on your desired location so that you don't need to worry about where to go and what to eat. This app includes geolocation, Google Maps API, Searching for places, data filtering and much more.

  • Advanced React Best Practices such as folder & file structure, hooks and refs
  • Creating a User Interface using Material UI
  • Working with Google Maps API
  • And most importantly fetching data from unlimited sources using RapidAPI
  • Source
  • PlatformWindows / macOS / Linux / iOS / Android
  • StackReact.js / Google maps / Material UI / RapidAPI
  • NoticeCannot use currently cuz I still can't purchase Rapid API premium 🥹 プレミアム API を購入していないため、現在使用できません。 ご不便おかけしてすみません。